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Viral RNA Isolation Kit

Viral RNA Isolation Kit

▪ Isolate RNA in 10 minutes with a 5-step easy protocol 

▪ Suitable to work with plasma, serum, urine, cell culture medium, blood, saliva, cellular suspensions, biopsies, swabs, feces, and samples stored in DNA / RNA Shield 

▪ High Sensitivity: optimized for low viral copy detection for Next-Gen Sequencing and RT-qPCR Kit Formats: 

➢ Quick RNA Viral Kit, Spin column method 

➢ Quick-RNA Viral 96 Kit, filtration plate method 

➢ Quick-DNA/RNA™ Viral MagBead, magbead method

Product CodeProduct NamePackageBrand
R1034, R1035
Quick-RNA Viral Kit
10 µg
R1040, R1041
Quick-RNA Viral 96 Kit

10 µg